The Wolverine (2013) with Isaac Beckner

Episode 6 December 22, 2020 01:18:18
The Wolverine (2013) with Isaac Beckner
Cinema Bums
The Wolverine (2013) with Isaac Beckner

Dec 22 2020 | 01:18:18


Hosted By

Wade Lawrence Hollomon Emmet Temple

Show Notes

The Cinema Bums are joined by Isaac Beckner for a trip to Japan! The Wolverine, James Mangold's 2013 dry run for Logan, is all about parkour and built with the Bechdel Test in mind. Listen as Emmet desperately tries to keep the show on the rails while Wade runs through all of Darren Aronofsky's films and Isaac speculates about what he's getting for Christmas. The Bums also discuss Yukio, Wade's favorite character in the entire series, rank Mariko's three boyfriends, and finally ask that age old question: what kind of underwear does Wolverine wear? This is the first episode we've recorded virtually so we apologize if the audio is not quite up to the gold standard we aim for every time. More of a weighty bronze, perhaps, or a heavy metal. Thank you for listening, and please enjoy!

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