The Cinema Bums continue their Spider-Man series with the second-highest-grossing film ever made, Avengers: Endgame! The dust has finally settled on this gigantic MCU blockbuster and the Bums are here to discuss it all: Tony's many goodbye speeches, the unhinged end credits, Black Widow's brutal fate, the incomprehensible time travel rules, and Hawkeye's questionable haircut. Tune in to hear Wade lead an Oscar Winners quiz about this gigantic cast and Emmet deliver his wildest plot summary ever. Thank you for listening, and please enjoy!
The Cinema Bums are joined by Kurt Uskar and Oscar Meyers to discuss the 2022 Academy Award nominations! The infamous duo breaks down every...
The Cinema Bums are joined by Eddie Dzialo to discuss Denis Villeneuve's final Canadian film: Enemy! This creepy thriller stars Jake Gyllenhaal as a...
The Cinema Bums are joined by Charity Irby to discuss the final film in their Twilight miniseries! As Cold Boy Summer comes to an...